Teams Produce 31% More

Sales People Sell 37% More

3x Happier and More Creative

The secret to getting more out of your personal and professional life...

Achieve 2x Productivity, Better Health, and Deeper Focus—Without Adding More to Your Schedule.

You’ve followed every expert, tried every affirmation, and maxed out every productivity hack--yet you're still feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, succeeding at work but barley holding it together personally.

The problem?

  • You are constantly putting out fires at work, only to feel exhausted and mentally drained at the end of each day.

  • You find yourself succeeding professionally, but feeling disconnected and overwhelmed in your personal life?

    Studies show that over
    70% of high-achievers experience chronic stress, leading to burnout and reduced productivity.

    The problem isn’t you—it’s your brain’s wiring. Activate helps you break free from these patterns and achieve more with calm focus.

Imagine a life where you wake up energized, breeze through your workday with clarity, and end each day feeling deeply fulfilled—in both your personal and professional life.

Why Traditional Solutions Are Keeping You Stuck

Achieve 2x Productivity, Better Health, and Deeper Focus—Without Adding More to Your Schedule.

From Constant Burnout to Unbreakable Calm: My Transformation Story

I was always ‘on’—juggling work demands, family expectations, and never-ending to-do lists. I didn’t even realize how bad things were until I hit complete burnout.

My health suffered, my relationships were strained, and I felt like I was on the verge of breaking.

Within just two weeks, my constant anxiety melted away, my productivity doubled, and I started feeling truly present for the first time in years.

If you’ve ever felt like no matter how hard you work, peace and balance always seem out of reach, I’ve been there too.

  • Maybe you’ve tried all these things too. Everyone else’s answers and solutions worked for them but weren’t designed uniquely for you.

  • Maybe you’ve gotten up early and stayed up late trying to find the extra time, and you still feel too busy to make a change

  • Maybe you’ve tried all the things that treat the symptoms but never truly get to the root of the problem.

  • Maybe you’ve never been able to identify where your brain is using your mental and emotional energy in ways that are burning you out.

  • Maybe you’ve bought into the belief that life is stressful and must always feel that way.

woman lying on bed
woman lying on bed
red leafed plant

After trying so many “solutions,” I was at my end.

But then, a friend shared some work she was doing that could actually rewire the brain to reduce stress and increase happiness. I was immediately in.

Within 2 weeks of beginning my practice, my fight or flight, which was always on (seriously, my kids were not allowed to scare me. It was so bad), suddenly turned off.

I made a mistake in my business, like a big one, that affected others and would definitely make me look bad. After about an hour of calmly finding a solution, I realized that my fight or flight had never turned on. I didn’t have to  think my way through it or use affirmation; my brain automatically went a different way.

  • I had less conflict with my spouse

  • The buzzing in my brain had stopped

  • I went from sleepless nights to waking up energized and focused

  • Transformed my reactive responses to calm, decisive actions

  • Doubled my productivity while reducing work hours by 30%

At first, I thought it was maybe just me, but client after client kept experiencing the same results, and I knew we had discovered magic.

woman in white shirt and blue denim shorts holding green bottle standing on road during daytime
woman in white shirt and blue denim shorts holding green bottle standing on road during daytime
green leafed plants

I work in a high-stress position in an ICU. I knew my brain was still in trauma mode post-COVID and knew I needed to do something to reset it. I was starting a new leadership position and wanted to start off on the right foot. This was it!

I didn’t tell my wife I had started this program, and 2 days in, she asked me what I had changed. She wasn’t complaining, actually the opposite, she could see a change in me already!


Unlike other programs that focus on quick fixes, Activate...
rewires the root cause of your stress for lasting change.

This practice was researched and tested at Stanford.
And has proven results.

83% of participants had improved self-confidence
85% Increased Happiness
91% Managed Stress Better
85% Had Increased Achievement
90% Used their Mental and Emotional Energy Better
91% Had Improved Optimism
84% Were Better at Conflict Management

Utilized in Organizations such as

Hi! I'm Stephanie.
I have a passion for helping people leave the hustle behind and create a life they are madly in love with. You can have all the dream results you want without sacrificing living your life or happiness. This is what I want for you. I promise it's amazing.

I have 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, business, and mentoring. I am certified as a John Maxwell Speaker, Trainer, and Coach and have extensive training in DISC, Mental Fitness, Sales & Marketing Strategies, and training entrepreneurs. As a speaker and trainer, I have been sought after for my ability to make complex topics simple and create clear action plans for success.

Eliminate stress and experience 2x productivity

Master emotional regulation, so you stay calm under pressure.

Rewire your brain to naturally turn off stress, making high-pressure situations feel effortless

Replace burnout with unshakeable energy and laser focus, even on your busiest days

Achieve more in less time, with improved clarity and faster decision-making


Dramatically reducing your stress while increasing your results.

Turning off the buzzing in your brain and experiencing quiet.

Deepening your relationships, experiencing your life and finding your joy.

Truly loving your life instead of just getting through the stress.

This created such a quick and massive change in my clients and myself that I knew we had to open access to more people so they could experience the same transformation. So, I created a Limited Beta Test of our program with exclusive discounts for testers with feedback/reviews.

person in white sport shirt on shore during golden hour
person in white sport shirt on shore during golden hour
green leafed plants

This has been an absolute game changer for me. I am so much more effective in more work and don’t feel frazzled all the time.

I have seen such a difference!

My own mental health has improved and so have my relationships and business. I wish I had this so much sooner in life!


For those who want to accelerate their results
without needing more time, energy or brain space.


  • Why past affirmations or mindset work may not have provided lasting results

  • How to multiply your time (and not by maxing out every minute)

  • How to create consistent happiness and actually enjoy your life

(without sacrificing your results)

  • How to increase your business/professional success

(without working more hours)

  • Shift into your superpower space and banish stress in minutes

green leafed plants

I am so much less triggered by things.

I noticed the other day in a high stress situation at work I was able to stop the restless energy and it was as if time slowed. I could make much clearer decisions and I noticed my team started to mirror my energy.

It was like I was shifting them too! This is amazing!

- Nicole

Your Roadmap to Reclaiming Calm, Focus and Peak Performance

Your Custom Plan for Long-Term Success (Value $1495)
Leave the program with a personalized success blueprint that ensures you continue thriving after completion. This roadmap is tailored to your unique strengths and goals, making it easy to sustain your newfound calm, focus and energy.

Ongoing Success Blueprint: A step-by-step guide for maintaining momentum and scaling your success in all areas of your life.

Personalized Assessment
Identify the mental patterns draining your energy and discover the hidden saboteurs causing burnout. By understanding your unique stress triggers, you'll learn exactly where to focus and eliminate overwhelm long term.

Custom Stress Report: Pinpoints specific triggers and high-impact areas to focus on for maximum results.

App Access
Turn off automatic stress reactions and replace them with calm, strategic thinking--so you can handle high-stress situations with unbreakable composure and clarity.

Stress Reduction Exercises: Train your brain to automatically deactivate stress triggers in under 2 minutes.

Track Your Progress with Precision.
Get crystal-clear insights into your transformation with personalized, daily progress tracking. Monitor exactly how much and how fast you are evolving--so you always know where you stand and want to focus on next.

Visual Progress Reports: easy to show your daily wins and cumulative growth

Shift Speed Tracker: Instantly see how quickly you rewiring old patterns into new, productive habits.

Daily Habits for Long-Term Success.
Build powerful, sustainable habits that naturally eliminate stress and create an effortless flow state--so you can start each day feeling energized, focused, and ready to tackle any challenge.

Micro-Habits Blueprint: Implement quick 2-minute practices that fit into your busiest days, ensuring consistent results without needing extra time.

Weekly Challenges to Cement Your Transformation
Experience real-world results through guided weekly challenges designed to turn knowledge into lasting habits. Paired with personal accountability, these challenges ensure you stay on track and see visible progress each week.

Weekly Accountability Videos: Receive direct support and personalized guidance to break through roadblocks and accelerate your transformation

BONUS: Personalized Support for Targeted Breakthroughs (Value $1495)
Get individualized support to overcome your deepest mental roadblocks and transform self sabotage into strategic growth. Flexible Voice Coaching for a real time problem-solving, guidance, and support tailored to your unique needs.

Bi-Weekly Check-Ins: Receive personalized feedback twice a week to keep your momentum strong.

Tailored Growth Plan: Personalized strategies and solutions for your specific goals.

Ready to experience these transformations?

Total Value $3455

Your Investment in Lifelong Transformation
Only 1495

BONUS: Advanced Level Modules for Complete Growth (Value $149)
Access advanced training modules to master every area of your personal and professional life--from stress management and emotional intelligence to leadership, creativity, and more. These skills will empower you to navigate changes with ease, build stronger relationships, and excel in any environment.

Holistic Growth Path: Develop skills across wellness, relationships, and career success.

Leadership, and Performance Mastery: Enhance creativity, conflict, resolution, and decision making.

BONUS: Unlock Proven Success Strategies (Value $47)
Gain insider knowledge on why only 20% of individuals and teams reach their true potential--and discover step-by-step strategies to ensure your one of them. This bestselling book and audiobook set will show you how to break through barriers and consistently achieve your highest level.

High-Performance Blueprint: Learn what separates top achievers from the rest.

Tactical Strategies: Implement proven tactics to hit your goals faster and more effectively.

BONUS: Mastermind Community for Accelerated Results
(Value $269)
Join a high-impact mastermind community designed to fast-track your growth. Connect with driven peers, get personalized feedback, and gain the support needed to overcome obstacles quickly. Study shows that clients achieve up to 300% better results with this kind of focus group support.

Peer Accountability: Get insights and motivation from like-minded professionals.

Expert-Led Sessions: Receive strategic guidance to breakthrough barriers faster.

woman standing on the desert while her hands up

If you don't see positive results after 30 days of actively working in the program and showing up to your coaching, we will give you your money back, scout's honor.

green leafed plants

Thank you Tom and Stephanie for an amazing program! I honestly was skeptical but cannot believe the change I have seen!

I learned a great deal about the relationship between the physical and emotional and how I must deliberately work on training my brain muscle every day. It's too easy to slide into lazy thought patterns that have been developed over the years, many of them defeating and harmful to myself and others.

This is a program that everyone can benefit from!


This won't be around forever...

There are limited seats available.

Grab your spot before they are gone.

Save over $1900!

Have Questions? We Have Answers!

I am too busy to take on another program right now.

Activate is specifically designed to fit into your busy schedule the micro practices take less than five minutes a day and proven to produce results with minimal time investment.

How fast can I expect to see results?

We have had the spouses of our clients notice a difference within days. Most clients notice differences within the first week or two.

I already have done mindset work. Will this still work for me?

Absolutely!! Because we are rewiring the brain, we are making these shifts habitual and automatic, so you are not thinking your way to get there. It will take any previous work to the next level!

What kind of support can I get if I get stuck?

You will have access to flexible voice coaching from me and other members of your Mastermind Group whenever you need it! We are here to support you! You can also choose to upgrade to add flexible voice coaching one-on-one with me to get access anytime and boost your growth and results.

How long can I keep it for?

You will have access to the full program for 13 weeks. This is normally only available for 6 weeks. Afterward, you can subscribe to continued access or retain everything from your foundations program in your app for a year.

green leafed plants

I'm so much calmer. I can see how this program has been helpful for noticing my saboteurs, catching the thought, calming myself down and approaching the situation with positive energy.

I learned to love myself more, and to be content that what I have done is enough.

Lastly, it's weird, but there is more time in the day to get stuff done. I'm less frenetic, more even-keeled, more able to put the work in, and accomplishing more with far less stress. I'm no longer driven by an unkind taskmaster.


Personalized Assessment
App Access
Weekly Challenges to Cement Your Transformation
Your Custom Long-Term Pan for Success
Tracking Your Progress with Precision
Daily Habits for Long-Term Success
(Value $1495)

Enroll Now and Receive These Exclusive Bonuses

BONUS: Unlock Proven Success Strategies (Value $47)
BONUS: Mastermind Community for Accelerated Results (Value $269)
BONUS: Advanced Level Modules for Complete Growth (Value $149)
BONUS: Personalized Support for Targeted Breakthroughs (Value $995)

Total Value $3455

Ready to eliminate burnout for good?
Enroll now to unlock peak performance.
Only 1495

Are you ready for it?

Ready to Rewire Your Brain & Transform Stress Into Your Superpower?

Are you ready to live a life you are madly in love with? Where you feel truly present and deeply happy.

One where you have momentum and success in your goals and professional life without sacrificing your personal life. One where you are thriving in all areas.

Listen, if what we had all tried before was going to work, it would have worked already. Believe me, I have tried them all!

The only way to get different results is to do something different. This practice made more significant progress and results for me than anything else in the 20 years prior, and I want that for you, too.

Wake up each day with clear focus and high energy
Handle high-stress situations with ease and grace

Increase productivity without sacrificing your well-being

Let’s do this together!

🤍 Stephanie

Personalized Assessment
App Access
Weekly Challenges to Cement Your Transformation
Your Custom Long-Term Pan for Success
Tracking Your Progress with Precision
Daily Habits for Long-Term Success
(Value $1495)

Enroll Now and Receive These Exclusive Bonuses

BONUS: Unlock Proven Success Strategies (Value $47)
BONUS: Mastermind Community for Accelerated Results (Value $269)
BONUS: Advanced Level Modules for Complete Growth (Value $149)
BONUS: Personalized Support for Targeted Breakthroughs (Value $995)

Total Value $3455

Ready to operate with more energy, clarity and peace everyday?

Only 1495

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white yes LED signages